
Is Moving Abroad Right for You? Key Questions to Consider

by | Sep 29, 2024 | Moving Abroad

Deciding to move abroad is a major life event. It involves a huge investment—emotionally, financially, and energetically. It’s crucial to determine whether moving overseas is the right decision for you and your family before you start the process of planning and research.

But, how exactly do you do that? It’s not like we’re planning a move abroad every other month, right?

As someone who has lived abroad for over 40 years, and has been working with expats for almost a decade, I’ll share three essential questions to help you assess if relocating to another country aligns with your goals and life plans.

1. What Are You Moving For?

One of the most common questions people ask themselves is why they want to move abroad. Many people feel unhappy in their home country and want to escape their current situation. While this is understandable, and part of the equation, it’s not enough. 

It’s essential to have clear goals for your move. It’s extremely important to also know what you want to move for. Ask yourself:

What do you hope to accomplish by moving abroad?
How do you envision your life will be different?

If your primary reason for moving is to escape something, rather than to achieve specific goals, you might find yourself disappointed after the move, and find it harder to adjust. It’s important to have positive and clear objectives to avoid feeling lost once you relocate. For example, if you are moving because where you live is too expensive, you can phrase it as “You are moving to have a better financial situation.”

Approaching the “whys” and “what fors” is especially vital if you are moving with family, as their goals and expectations need to be considered as well.

2. How Does This Move Align with Your Long-Term Life Goals?

Consider how relocating aligns with your long-term aspirations. For instance, if one of your goals is to stay close to your extended family, moving abroad might contradict this aim. This doesn’t necessarily mean you shouldn’t move, but it does require a re-evaluation of your goals and perhaps some compromises. 

Here are some questions you can reflect on:

• How does moving abroad fit into your overall life plan?

• Are there any long-term goals that might be impacted by this move?

Thinking about these aspects beforehand can save you from potential regrets and help you plan more effectively for your future abroad.

3. How Do You Envision Your Life in a New Country?

Visualization is a powerful tool in decision-making. Picture your life in the new country:

• What do you see?

• How do you feel in this new environment?

• How do you want to feel in this new country?

It’s important to have a balanced view, considering both the positives and potential challenges of your new life abroad. This exercise can help you understand your true motivations and ensure that they are aligned with your long-term happiness and fulfillment.

Next Steps

Moving abroad is a significant decision that requires careful consideration. By addressing these key questions, you can better determine if this move is right for you. Making a sound decision even before looking into locations is crucial to save you energy, time and money.

If you found these tips useful and want to delve deeper into preparing for your relocation, check out the Expat Journey Program for more personalized support on your relocation journey. 

Feel free to reach out with any comments or specific topics you’d like me to address in future posts.


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